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Who Am I

I am an author, speaker, and consultant, and I am excited to introduce my first book, "The Fate of a Rotting Heart," in 2014. This book was birthed three years ago as a lesson and has slowly grown to the book it is now. It outlines my own personal journey and struggle with integrity. This book has caused me to look back over my life and realize that each event in my life has been orchestrated to bring me to this God moment in my life. Getting here was a struggle.


I remember the day I went to register for college. I was sitting there with my mother who I had convinced for years that I wanted to be an Elementary school teacher. As I sat there getting ready to schedule my classes, I turned to my mother with panic in my eyes and I said, "I don't think I want to be a teacher anymore." My mother  responded with a bewildered look and said, "Ok, just start out with an undecided major." Almost six years and three majors later, I graduated with my degree in English with an emphasis on Secondary Education.

I've been in a high school classroom for the last seven years of my life and it has been an amazing experience. I have learned so much, met many wonderful people, had the privelege of educating and mentoring many young people, and I improved my teaching craft. In addition to that, many educators can relate to the fact that I have counted down to every vacation, rethought my career choice at least once a week, coined my own disciplinary phrases such as, "If my mouth is moving, yours should be closed," and celebrated every snow and early dismissal day.


While I have found overall enjoyment and fulfillment in my high school teaching career, something happened over the past year. I began writing a book, teaching in various environments outside of the high school classroom, and using leadership and Biblical principles as my guiding teaching curriculum. Even though I was still teaching like I always had, but something was different. I began to feel more alive than I ever have before. As I would study for my lessons, I would get so overwhelmed that tears would stream down my face. Each time I would sit to write, it was as if the world around me would stop and I became lost in that moment. My sense of time and other responsilbilites would fade into the background. Now, each time I get up to teach or talk about my book, my eyes light up and an unquenchable excitement overtakes me. I remember after one particular teaching session that I called my mom in tears and I told her, "Mom, this is what I want to do for the rest of my life. This is what I was born to do." After realizing this, I was then faced with a decision - a hard decision. I could continue on my path as a public educator, or I could take a step of faith into this unknown territory.  Mark Twain once said, "The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why." 


Because of this, I am now embarking on a faith journey towards my dream - the God dream that I was born to fulfill. Many times I get these panic moments when I think to myself, "What on earth are you doing? Are you crazy?" And then I have to remind myself, that comfort is the enemy of greatness, and I will not spend the rest of my life living out someone else's dreams or merely doing something because others think I'm good at it. I am so excited for you to come on this journey with me.  


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